Arya Putri is a trade mark which has been registered in General Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights of Indonesia (DJHKI-Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual) on May 2013 and is protected by Copyrights of Indonesia law. The Criminal Provision Causes 72 Law No. 19 year of 2002 (Ketentuan Pidana Pasal 72 UU No. 18 Tahun 2002) include itd graphics, logos, photographs, image rights, video or text stated on www.AryaPutriBatik.com.
It is prohibited to reproduction, copying and foregoing the aforementioned websited’s contents.
You accept and agree that you are responsible for your activities in our website.
You access to our website shall be denied, if we notice that you do some violations activities related with Terms and Conditions.
Action shall be taken on which part of Terms and Conditions that you have breached it. If necessary, the action taken shall be referred to Indonesia Law.
We are not responsible for losses which occur caused by faults of customer, 3rd party-shipping company and force majeure, except the losses is caused by our faults.
You agree to compensate us fully paid for legal fees which arise from your violation of terms and conditions including other person use your account to access our website.
Aligned with the above clause – Intellectual Property Rights. It is prohibited to advertise, display, publish, create derivative works and sell other products for commercial propose on our website www.AryaPutriBatik.com
Product pictures may have an error or inaccuracy on patterns and colors due to all our products are made from handmade batik whilst of piece is unique.
The nature of handmade batik is identified by some residue of wax come from batik processing attached on fabric and it will looks dirty, actually it is not defect of fabric due to it is washable.